Thursday, June 5, 2014

End of the Year Party

We had so much fun at the end of the year party! The first graders had a contest to see who could balance half of a cup of water on their head the longest. The goal was to balance your cup without spilling. The first graders did a great job! We then enjoyed some freeze pops and goldfish. Thank you to our awesome room parents for putting this party together!!! 

Balancing the cup of water while walking!

Balancing the cup of water without hands! 

Goldfish and M&M snack
The tag said, O'Fish'Ally a Second Grader

Congratulations, You Blew Through 1st Grade!

Mary Had a Little Lamb

Last week we practiced the play Mary Has a Little Lamb, adopted from the song "Mary Had a Little Lamb". This play had many parts and students were able to practice their expression and intonation. We practiced changing our voices to show if the character was happy, sad, excited, or anxious. Each student was assigned a role of either the Narrator, Mary, Lamb, Teacher, Child 1, or Child 2. The final performance was today. Each group did an excellent job reading with lots of expression and making their character sound happy or scared. Ask your child about their role!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

First Grade Picnic and Ice Cream Party

The first graders had a blast at our picnic and ice cream party! First we ate lunch at the park. Then we spent the afternoon playing on the playground, throwing a Frisbee, playing catch, playing kickball, or playing in the sandbox. 

When we returned to school we enjoyed delicious ice cream sundaes. Thank you to the room parents that put together the ice cream party! 

That sure was a fun day!

Walking to the park

Eating Lunch

Playing kickball with Mr. Wanzek!

Playing Catch with Wiffleballs

We've got some expert hula hoopers and jump ropers!

Enjoying Ice Cream!

Public Library Summer Reading Program

Mrs. Frizzle (Patty) came to visit us from the Albert Lea Public Library! She talked to us about the summer reading program which will go from June 10-July 25. The first graders were shown the prizes they can earn for reading 5, 10, and 15 books. Please check your child's take home fold for more information about the summer reading program and a calendar of events at the library this summer. Keep reading this summer!! 

Check out our green thumbs!

Yesterday our class planted Marigolds and Zinnias! Hopefully we will see some sprouts and buds before the last day of school. The plants will be sent home on Friday. 

Getting ready to plant!

Planting the seeds in the soil

Monday, June 2, 2014

Don't Yuck My Yum

The author Amy Pleimling came to visit our school last week Thursday. She read us the book she wrote called Don't Yuck My Yum. She shared why it is important to eat fruit and vegetables and why we shouldn't say "yuck" to things other people like. She encouraged students try to eat as many different colored foods that they can, such as strawberries, carrots, or bananas. Amy even let the students read some of the book with her!