Wow it has been a busy couple weeks of school! We are
settling into our classroom routine and getting better at remembering everyone's names.
Reading: This
week we jumped into practicing our phonemic awareness by matching the correct
sound to each letter. The class had a great discussion about good fit books. I
brought in shoes to help demonstrate how some shoes fit better than others and
certain types of shoes are better for playing sports or dancing. Students
learned the following acronym to help them remember called IPICK.
I choose a book
Purpose Why do I want to read it?
Interest Does it interest me?
Comprehend Do I understand what I am reading?
Know I know most of the words
We also started our guided reading stations called daily
five which includes the stations Read to self, Read to Someone, Listen to
Reading, Word Work and Writing. At each station we demonstrated the correct way
and incorrect way of using the materials. In “read to someone” students learned
how to sit EEKK (ask your child what that means) and take turns reading.
Each day we have been reading for a longer period of time to
help build our stamina. At the end of the week we were able to read for twelve
minutes! We also practiced writing in
our new writing journals. Students were given prompts to write about such as
their favorite animal or plans for the weekend. I have met with each student individually
to check on how they are doing on their oral reading and comprehension.
Library: Each day
we go to the library to check out two books. Read the books with your child as
you are able.
Math: We started
talking about the number line and some of the tools we will be using in math.
We were able to play many games that help us count on a number line such as
monster squeeze, penny-dice and bunny hop. Ask your child how to play each
game. We learned how to use the number line to count one more or one less and
talked about how to use tally marks and found out the number of students that
have pets in our classroom.
Book Order: Thank
you to those of you that ordered books! I’m excited to add more books to our
classroom library!
Reading Buddies: On
Friday we started Reading Buddies with Mrs. Miller’s fourth grade class. First
graders were paired up with a fourth grader to read books together. Every
Friday we will read with Mrs. Miller’s class. The first graders were very
excited to read with a “big” fourth grader.
Homework: Please
check your child’s take home folder daily for any math home links. Homelinks
will be sent home throughout the week to help reinforce concepts we are
learning in math.
Check out pictures below from our dress up days to celebrate
Have a great weekend,
Sports Day |
Pajama Day |
Check out our silly faces! |