Friday, May 23, 2014

212 News

Wow what a busy week! I can’t believe the end of the school year is coming up fast! I look forward to going back to Wisconsin this weekend to spend time with my brother and sister-in-law, hopefully the rain will hold off.

Phonics: Our focus has been on the –oo sound which can heard in the words glue, screwdriver, broom and flute and the –ou sound which can be heard in the words cloud and owl. We practiced chunking and spelling different combinations of each sound. Students were challenged to find these words in their books during read to self and reading with a partner.

Reading: We have been practicing making inferences and drawing conclusions in both fiction and nonfiction books. We read a story about plants in their habitats. In this book we identified facts and then drew a conclusion from the fact. Next week we will start a new reader’s theater titled Mary Had a Little Lamb.

I met with students individually and in small reading groups this week. We continue to read and discuss books at each group’s reading level. Students were also tested on their fry words and guided reading level. More information will be available about each student’s fry words and reading level in report cards. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Math: We continue to discuss fractions and review concepts from earlier in the school year. We practiced story problems and the frames and arrows routines. Students learned the parts of a fraction are called the numerator and denominator. We did some exploring to compare fractions using strips of paper to find out which fraction is bigger and smaller.

Public Library and Fire Station: Check our classroom blog for pictures from the field trip. We had a great time thanks to Patty and the fire fighters!

Raz-Kids: The Raz-Kids website will be available throughout the summer! Next week check your child’s take home folder for more information and reminder about how to log-in.

Portfolio Sharing: Portfolio sharing will be Wednesday May 28th from 6:00-7:00. This is an opportunity for families to come in and see your child’s work from throughout the school year. Students will have an “agenda” of work to share such as pieces of writing, reflection cards from the beginning of the school year and books to read.  This is an opportunity for students to own their learning and be excited about sharing their accomplishments.
I’d like to have a snack including cookies and juice. Thank you, to those of you that have already contributed. If you are able to contribute to the snack please let me know. Hope to see you there!

Important Dates Coming Up:
Monday May 26th- No School
Friday May 23rd-All Library Books Due
Wednesday May 28th -6:00-7:00 Portfolio Sharing
Wednesday May 29th- Author Visit Amy Pleiming
Wednesday June 4th-First Grade Picnic

Friday June 6th -Last Day of School

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