Tuesday, October 8, 2013


On Monday our class was able to go on RAZ-Kids for the first time! Raz-Kids is a reading program that Sibley has purchased that allows students to read a variety of fiction and non-fiction books at their reading level. I am able to set the levels so that each student is reading at their own independent reading level. The students are able to listen to the books being read, then read the book on their own, and finally take a quiz on the book. The students earn “stars” for completing each component which they can then spend in the RAZ-Rocket! The students did a great job while visiting the site as a class during out computer lab time. I encourage students to go on RAZ-Kids at home; it is a great way for the kids to have access to books at the appropriate level while having some fun with the rocket! I am able to update and change reading levels as I see fit and can monitor how much time each student has been logged in, the number of titles read, etc.

The link to RAZ-Kids is on the right hand side of the blog. Once at the site students must enter the teacher username agonwac (don’t forget the ‘c’ at the end), from there the students can find their name, enter their password (lunch number) and select which books they want to listen to, read, and take a quiz on. Please have your students show you around the site, it’s a really neat, fun way to bring reading home! The students know that the books must be completed in the Listening, Reading, Quiz order.
Login page

Student Library

Listen to the reading (worth 10 stars)

Reading the book (worth 50 stars)

Taking a quiz on the book (worth 150 stars)

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