Friday, February 28, 2014

Hickory Dickory Dock; or, Go, Mouse, Go!

This week we practiced the play Hickory Dickory Dock; or, Go Mouse Go!, adopted from the nursery rhyme "Hickory Dickory Dock". This play had many parts and some students were assigned multiple parts. Each student was assigned a role of either the Narrator, Fan 1, Fan 2, Fan 3, Mouse or the Clock. The final performance was on Friday. Each group did an excellent job reading with lots of expression to make their part more exciting. Ask your child about their role!

Reading Buddies

Every Friday we get together with Miss Miller's fourth grade class to read. The fourth graders pick out books to read to their first grade reading buddy. We take turns reading in first grade and fourth grade classrooms. This Friday everyone read in their pajamas to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Author Visit

The author and illustrator Nancy Carlson came to visit our school on Wednesday. She was a very engaging speaker that shared what it was like to be an author and illustrator. She shared that many of her stories are based on stories from her childhood and about her family. She even showed students how to draw some characters from her stories. She encouraged students to always use their imagination and doodle as often as they can. 

Check out Nancy Carlson's webiste, she posts one doodle each day!

Mrs. Seeger is introducing Nancy Carlson

Nancy Carlson is talking about her illustrations. 

She said she gets inspiration for her illustrations from her family.

The book Think Big was inspired by her son. He wanted to be taller when he was in elementary school.

Nancy even showed us how to draw some of her characters!

Students added their ideas to make the scene of the picture.

Tropical Day

Yesterday we celebrated Tropical Day. The class sure is having fun celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday. Thanks to one of our students every one was able to wear a Hawaiian leis! 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Community Reader

In celebration of I Love to Read month and Dr. Seuss's birthday we had a couple of guest readers join us from the community. Two firefighters came to our classroom to read Dr. Seuss books. Students even had a chance to ask the firefighters some questions. Thanks again to our community readers! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Native Pride Arts

 We had an assembly today in the gym from Native Pride Arts. We had four presenters talk about their Native culture and put on both song and dance performances. Larry Yazzie, Reuben Crow Feather, and McKayla performed many dances typically seen at pow wows and explained many of the dance movements and motions. Students had a chance to try out the dance steps and even the teachers were called up to dance. Check out the link below to learn more about Larry Yazzie and the Native Pride Arts. 


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

100th Day of School

Today we celebrated the 100th day of school! Students wore stickers that said "100 Days Smarter" and were challenged to write 100 words, without any repeating. We talked about what we would do with $100 or what we would look like in 100 years. 

Valentine's Day

The Valentine's Day Party was a ton of fun! The class made Valentine's day cards, handed out Valentines, and enjoyed some cookies and juice. Students used their hands to make a heart on the cover of their Valentine's day card. Thanks again to our parent volunteers for all of your help and for making it a great party!

Everyone is handing out Valentines. 

Delicious cookies, juice, and snack bags!

Making Valentine's Day cards