Thursday, February 27, 2014

Author Visit

The author and illustrator Nancy Carlson came to visit our school on Wednesday. She was a very engaging speaker that shared what it was like to be an author and illustrator. She shared that many of her stories are based on stories from her childhood and about her family. She even showed students how to draw some characters from her stories. She encouraged students to always use their imagination and doodle as often as they can. 

Check out Nancy Carlson's webiste, she posts one doodle each day!

Mrs. Seeger is introducing Nancy Carlson

Nancy Carlson is talking about her illustrations. 

She said she gets inspiration for her illustrations from her family.

The book Think Big was inspired by her son. He wanted to be taller when he was in elementary school.

Nancy even showed us how to draw some of her characters!

Students added their ideas to make the scene of the picture.

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